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Friday, September 30, 2022

Which is better: a job or a business?


I wanted to write about this topic and discuss it a lot in my course, but I didn't get the chance for that, because I didn't have enough time. So, my friend suggested that I should write about it and share it with everyone.

She suggested me to start looking into the job market and analyze different positions from their perspectives, what makes them better or worse for individuals. I decided to do so and got some information about this topic and I wrote all of those articles. Now, I would like to write a little bit about it.

When talking about business and jobs there are many things that make them both equally good. First of all, we can see that they are both important parts of our lives. We have to manage not only our financial well-being but also our mental health. Having a stable income source means you can fulfill your dreams. This is the same case about having a career.

People want to earn money but they don’t want to live day by day of work. They want stable income. That’s why people love working in companies, for instance, Google, Facebook or Amazon. Those three companies work very hard and take care of employees well, they also have lots of benefits in terms of insurance.

Now, let’s talk about job and how it works. For any position, not only money, but mental and physical health is needed. If one job requires a huge amount of energy or money, the other option can be interesting. But there is more to the debate: which job is better than another? This question is easy to answer. There are quite few advantages, some disadvantages, some pros and cons for people.

Let’s imagine that someone wants to become a police officer and has a degree in law. The job description is simple and it doesn’t require much knowledge about legal processes. Many organizations apply this job, like such as the police or fire department. It gets a great deal of attention and a high job satisfaction. At first sight, the job is perfect. Then it turns out that the pay is too bad, because it gets more than $ 60/hour which is really awful. In this picture, the company is hiring someone from China with no experience in the country, and they expect him to go back home to his family for two years. He is told that he has to bring his wife back and they can keep his children back too.

One day the man shows up at his place and goes inside the building. On his way, he sees an injured person he calls an ambulance and then goes to the hospital. Now the problem is that nobody cares for him, he hasn’t any relatives at the moment. After three days, the man dies and we want to know what happened to him. At the end of the story, we realize that if we give this candidate an opportunity, he could have made a real difference in this world and he could have helped a lot of patients. His death left his wife lonely and she died soon after.

Another positive thing about this job is that he can be promoted to the higher posts and people who want to become more experienced can try training. An example would be teaching students like lawyers online or trainee doctors. Asking a candidate to study online gives a chance to learn everything online. The whole process is completely online and the training takes place on the web.

From a young age, children are taught how to speak English and they are often asked by teachers to help the children with schoolwork or homework. And sometimes, people feel lonely and they need support and guidance. Maybe they don’t have parents or relatives, so they go to tutors’ websites which have a lot of options to find people where they can get help and support.

The best tutoring services are online ones that offer courses and even private sessions to people. You can learn a lot about life at a low cost, and at the same time, you can contact any tutor for personal communication in case you feel stuck. The people who know what they want and what they need have a unique talent that others may never find. It’s not something that comes along with the job but when you search for skills and resources, you can find all the answers for yourself.

As for the negative aspects, it has to do with the price. How much does a teacher cost? Do they require a big room? Are they expensive on the materials? How to travel? Will they make you more or less qualified for the job? Can you get any medical exam? Who controls what you do? You can get many disadvantages but the job is still an essential part of our life. Being a police officer means to protect a community and to ensure that everyone’s rights are respected.

Now let’s say someone wants to become a doctor, which profession is better? What do we can find out? With our computer, we can look up lots of resources. But now you have a choice for each of these professions.

If you are working in a certain field of science only but you have a degree in mathematics, your choice will be very limited. Here is a list of different specializations. Doctor (with a bachelor’s of medicine), Physical therapist, Psychiatrist, Neurosurgeon, Family Physician (with 2 years of residency or a PhD, including a period of supervised practice) Clinical Psychologist- Clinical Nurse Specialist.

All of these fields have their own requirements, but they all have a common goal. Doctors have to wear suits and be confident. Also, having a degree, they have to know how to explain their tasks. Patients want to get the best help to a problem. However, they may not get all the facts and there is a risk of making wrong decisions. Nurses have to be professional and polite. To be a nurse, you need to have a license and a degree (usually either BSN or MBA). They may not have any required certification, but they have to know how to behave and behave nicely around patients. A psychiatrist might be the same as a psychologist.

Psychiatrists can work alone but they may need a team. Also, they need to know some basic knowledge of psychology at minimum, but they need to be licensed professionals (a doctor or a nurse is usually one of them) and maybe a psychiatric assistant and a counselor. If they don’t have this type of education, they may not be able to function properly.

Families and friends need a combination of various kinds of staff, especially psychiatrists. Since families may have problems with children, they hire fulltime careers, psychologists, psychotherapists. There is no specific rule stating how to do this profession. Someone wants to become a Family Physician, you search through dozens of colleges. Some institutions have a specialized program and many focus on family care, which is useful. But the point is to become certified in general practice. Depending on the family, you don’t have to be very knowledgeable but you need to act like a doctor and provide treatment only.

So why are there so many different disciplines? Well, I think it is the combination of several things. Firstly, all of us have seen that some jobs require a large amount of energy. These types of jobs are suitable for younger people. So, employers were thinking about young workers. Secondly, most jobs require some sort of learning or training. So, we have specialists with degrees in certain subjects. Not doing anything much, yet they still need to have some form of education before they can start the job.

Lastly, some disciplines are simply more popular in Europe. For example, American Psychology is highly regarded in Europe and it took some steps forward. It’s also just a matter of being ready to change and evolve.

In conclusion, you can make a choice between a career and a hobby and both of them have to be something you like. Because the nature of human beings in today’s world is flexible and we can choose what we want to do the most appropriate. I think every individual should have a choice, so they don’t need to follow certain rules.

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